Hill s science diet sensitive stomach skin dry dog food provides optimal digestive health while nourishing skin promoting a lustrous coat.
Science diet cat food sensitive skin and stomach.
Using prebiotic fiber this dry food fuels your adult cat s beneficial gut bacteria helping support a balanced.
Formulated for adult cats with sensitive stomachs or skin this nourishing recipe is balanced to meet your pet s needs is easy to digest and promotes a healthy skin and coat.
Prebiotic fiber to fuel beneficial gut bacteria support a balanced microbiome high digestibility for optimal nutrient absorption easier stool pick up vitamin e omega 6 fatty acids for skin nourishment.
Hill s science diet adult sensitive stomach skin cat food provides your adult cat with great tasting nutrition for a long happy life.
Hill s science diet sensitive stomach skin dry cat food provides optimal digestive health while nourishing skin promoting a lustrous coat.
Your cat s stomach health is a vital part of his or her everyday life which is why hill s science diet sensitive stomach skin dry cat food provides optimal digestive health while nourishing skin promoting a lustrous fur.
Prebiotic fibre fos to fuel beneficial gut bacteria support a balanced microbiome high digestibility for optimal nutrient absorption easier stool pick up vitamin e omega 6 fatty acids for skin.
Prebiotic fiber to fuel beneficial gut bacteria support a balanced microbiome high digestibility for optimal nutrient absorption easier stool pick up vitamin e omega 6 fatty acids for skin nourishment.